Stepping up to help new Canadians feel at home
Moving to a new country is a big change. To help you feel at home as soon as possible, the Library has put together a list of resources to assist you.
Moving to a new country is a big change. To help you feel at home as soon as possible, the Library has put together a list of resources to assist you.
An organization that provides programs and services to new Canadians living in York region including settlement services, assistance with education, and more.
A website developed and maintained by the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OSASI). It has settlement information for newcomers to Canada in more than 30 languages.
Maintained by the Government of Ontario, this website provides information on moving to, and settling in, Ontario.
A website that provides information about settling in Ontario and connecting to community organizations and services.
A website that provides information and resources for newcomers on learning, living, and working in York Region.
Discover Canada is a study guide on the Rights and Responsibilities of citizenship that you’ll need to know for your Citizenship test.
One of the first things you should do as a new Canadian is to get a library card from the Whitchurch-Stouffville Public Library. Why? Because your library card will give you free access to online newspapers and magazines from around the world.
CloudLibrary NewsStand is an online collection of over 6,500 magazine and newspaper titles in over 50 languages.
PressReader gives you access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available on shelves.
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