A-Z Resources


AtoZ World Travel

Travel broadens our horizons, boosts our confidence, increases our ability to handle uncertainty, connects us to humanity, helps us understand ourselves, and creates memories that last a lifetime.

  • Comprehensive Destination Information: Detailed data on popular and emerging travel destinations worldwide.
  • Travel Trends & Market Insights: Access to the latest travel trends and statistical insights.
  • Easy-to-Use Interface: Simple, intuitive search tools to help customers find the information they need.
  • Regular Updates: The database will be consistently updated with the most current travel data.
  • Content: It contains 202 world city travel guides, 60+ topics and 56 world travel resources.  Each city has full coverage of how to get around, where to go and what to see.  


CBC Corner

Your library and CBC/Radio-Canada have partnered to offer you this one-of-a-kind portal to discover unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows, podcasts, kids content, a language learning app and much more!

CBC Corner (English)

Your library and CBC/Radio-Canada have partnered to offer you this one-of-a-kind portal to discover unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows, podcasts, kids content, a language learning app and much more!

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CBC Corner (French)

Votre bibliothèque et CBC/Radio-Canada collaborent pour vous offrir ce portail unique qui permet de découvrir du contenu d'ici incluant nouvelles, reportages locaux, émissions de télévision et de radio, balados, contenu pour enfants, application d’apprentissage linguistique et bien plus !

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CBC Corner: Reading and Books

Your library and CBC/Radio-Canada have partnered to offer you this one-of-a-kind portal to discover unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows, podcasts, kids content, a language learning app and much more!

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The Cloud Library enables members to browse, borrow, and read a collection of titles selected by Library staff

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CloudLibrary NewsStand

Unlimited access to thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world, free from your public library located in US, Canada (except Quebec), Australia or New Zealand.

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EBSCO eBooks Collection

EBSCO eBooks offers more than 2.4+ million e-books from top publishers and university presses for academic, public, school, and corporate libraries.

EBSCO eBooks Health Reference

Consumer Health Complete offers an intuitive search interface that allows users to filter search results by source type.


Fiero Code

Fiero is an all-in-one learn-to-code solution that provides everything you need to deliver coding experiences. 

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Free G1 Practice Test

To help you get all the practice you need, we have prepared free practice tests that mimic the real test. Our questions are very similar (sometimes identical) to those in the official G1 Test.

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We’re here to help you start a conversation

Mango prepares learners for realistic conversations and communication in over70 world languages.


Niche Academy Video Training

Need a quick overview to get started using these resources? Niche Academy offers short video tutorials to help you make the most of the Library's digital resources.

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NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus will tell you why a book, author, or series is recommended, and if it’s one of our handwritten recommendations.

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NoveList Plus (EBSCO)

NoveList Plus allows your library to stand out by helping readers find books that perfectly match their reading preferences and moods. The NoveList Plus database is powered by experts. We identify unique story elements that make results relevant and exciting and provide additional information to enrich the results.     

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What is PebbleGo?

PebbleGo is a collection of nonfiction articles specifically designed for K-2 students. Packed with informational text, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities, it boosts engagement and fosters independent learning in core subject areas. Your students will love exploring PebbleGo time and time again!

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PressReader gives you same day access to newspapers and magazines from around the world in full colour and full page format, available in over 60 languages. With PressReader you can access an enhanced digital replica of your favourite publication and read it cover to cover.

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Tumble Books (eBooks for eKids)

TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you. TBL also includes Graphic Novels (A reader favorite!), Read-Along Chapter Books, Non-Fiction, Videos, and Games. With a school licence, teachers and students have access to the Common Core Portal, quizzes and teacher materials/lesson plans!

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Tumble Math (Math eBooks, quizzes, and more)

Educators have long known that one of the most effective ways to teach math concepts, especially to reluctant learners, is by using stories and literature.

TumbleMath is the most comprehensive collection of math picture books you will find anywhere. All in the amazing TumbleBook format complete with animation and narration.

The books are accompanied by supplementary materials such as lesson plans and quizzes.

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